The Accident Analysis Group

Since 1972, the Accident Analysis Group has developed systems to describe the causes of accidents in approximately 60,000 patients who are annually registered and treated in the emergency room at Odense University Hospital.

We analyze the extent and severity of accidents and personal injuries, and carry out in-depth studies of the special types of accidents. We communicate the results to the decision makers and the public.

Ongoing activities

  • Continuous monitoring of the development in injuries and the degree of coverage of traffic accident statistics.
  • Registration of severely injured patients, including quality assurance of the treatment.
  • Non-accidental injuries in Odense area.
  • National registration of firework injuries in the two days at the turn of the year
  • Child accidents in collaboration with the Children’s Accident Fund

Cooperation with the Accident Analysis Group has the following advantages

  • We have extensive experience with data collection and processing in the area of ​​accidents.
  • Our registration is a representative sample of almost 5% of Denmark’s population.
  • Our work typically involves the involved interest groups in the solution, which ensures a fast and flexible reporting.
  • We have a year-long and very comprehensive collection of literature on accident research.